Monday, 24 August 2015

Law student expelled for English deficiency after paying N0.4m schoolfees

God knows that even though I had always wanted to attend such a prestigious school, My parents couldn't afford it. But I have kept on wondering what I will do to my son if he returned home to me with such a news as being expelled because he could not speak good English. I will so kill him. After all this money i have spent?
But on a second thought, maybe it will mean nothing to me considering the fact that I am rich...Now who is to be blamed?

A student of the Benson Idahosa University(BIU), Benin, Edo State, who was suspended after allegedly paying N490, 000 in school fees, has petitioned the management seeking reinstatement.

John Ogu, through his lawyer, Paul Usenbo, wrote a letter titled 'Re: Ogu John Ifeanyi (Matriculation No.LAW/DEG/111045)' to the school’s Vice Chancellor, Prof Ernest B. Izevbigie to challenge the indefinite suspension, the Guardian reports.

Usenbo said his client secured admission into the institution duly and faulted allegations that he presented a fake NECO result to gain admission and threatened the life of a staff.

“He was admitted into the institution with genuine credentials which is also in the records of the school," the letter read.

"It was WAEC and not NECO as stated in his indefinite suspension letter by the Office of the Registrar.

"My client’s finding in respect of the staff’s life that was threatened which was alleged in the indefinite suspension letter was not verifiable by any staff."

But the Vice Chancellor in his reaction apologized for the mix-up but noted that Ogu was deficient in one of the prerequisites for admission in to Faculty of Law, hence his suspension.

“There is nothing personal about the whole affair," Izevbigie said.

"A credit pass in Literature in English from the National Board of Technical Education (NABTEB) which he presented is not tenable for admission into the Faculty of Law.”

The Vice Chancellor however failed to explain how the student was admitted with a deficiency in the first place or what would happened to the fees already paid by the student.


Hmmmm...these guys are sure up to something, I can bet my life on that. If not, How did he get admitted at all? Question for the gods right? I KNOW.

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